Saturday, May 14, 2011

View Pregnancy Outside The Womb

PREGNANCY outside the womb - an ectopic pregnancy mediknya term - is a condition in which the fertilized egg will attach to and grow outside the uterus. Usually characterized by pain which is the main complaint on disturbed ectopic pregnancy (100 percent).

dr. Yandi Jayaprana, SpOG from RSIA Budi Glory explained, the cause is largely unknown. A more realistic approach is to identify the predisposing factors of ectopic pregnancy. Various abnormalities and damage to the fallopian a role in ectopic pregnancy are:

1. Mechanical factors that prevent or hinder the journey of the fertilized ovum to the uterus.
2. Infection of the oviduct (salfingitis).
3. Cause tubal mucosal folds that can narrow down the fallopian tubes and form pockets of dead-end. Infection also reduces vibration hair (tubal mucosa cilia) that can lead to implantation into the mucosa of the fallopian zygot disturbed. Incidence 12.8 percent after a single infection, 35.5 percent after two infections and 75 percent after three times of infection. Infections cause the majority of ectopic pregnancies are bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis.
4. Fallopian adhesions after post-abortion infection or infection during childbirth, infections of the appendix (appendicitis) that causes tertekuknya tuba and lumen narrowing.
5. Abnormalities of the fallopian growth resulting in anatomic abnormalities.
6. Previous ectopic pregnancy. With one previous ectopic pregnancy ectopic pregnancy is 15-20 percent. After two ectopic pregnancies, the risk for subsequent ectopic pregnancy increased 32 times.
7. History of previous tubal surgery, either to improve tubal patency and tubal sterilization failure.
8. A history of recurrent abortion induction. This relates to the incidence of infection oviduct.
9. Tumors such as uterine tubal encourage uteri and ovarian cysts.

Ectopic Pregnancy Causes Increased Incidence

1. Increased prevalence of tubal infection due to venereal disease that causes damage to the surface in the oviduct (fallopian tube mucosa).
2. Tubal surgery that failed.
3. Induction of abortion that causes the infection. The most common cause of ectopic pregnancy is damage to the fallopian tube mucosa that inhibits travel egg (ovum) which has been fertilized in the uterus section. Tubal mucosal damage was ever caused by infection.

Risk Factors

Some risk factors such as infertility, infection of the genital organs, more than one sexual partner, smoking, douching (cleaning Miss V), sexual intercourse young age (<18 years).

Location of ectopic pregnancy

Among the many places that ectopic pregnancy may occur, most occur in the tube that is 98.3 percent of all ectopic pregnancies. Ectopic pregnancy outside the fallopian tubes abdominal pregnancy is 1.4 percent, 0.15 percent and 0.15 percent of ovarian pregnancy cervical pregnancy.

Facts About Ectopic Pregnancy

1. More than 10,000 ectopic pregnancies reported in the United States, which is 2 percent of all pregnancies. Although the mortality rate of ectopic pregnancy were significantly decreased during the last 30 years, an ectopic pregnancy is still the number one cause of maternal deaths in the first trimester of pregnancy.

2. The incidence of ectopic pregnancies increased dramatically during the last 20 years is likely due to the increasing incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or inflammation of the pelvic organs and better diagnostic capabilities. In contrast, death rates decreased because of the improving diagnostic and treatment facilities.

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