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The following is a news item must for fans of manchester united so that you can know that there are developments in manchester united this time, ranging from the players, history and even rumors of a transfer.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Iran Still worries 'Ghosts' Stuxnet

Penetrated new cyber attack Iran, with a worm, dubbed as the Stars. Stars rush quite confusing because Iran is still haunted by the past Stuxnet virus hit the country. Stuxnet is still considered a threat. "We must know that the fight against Stuxnet not mean that the threat is completely lost, because the virus has a certain life span and they may continue their activities in other ways," said Gholam Reza Jalali, director of Iran's Passive Defense Organization The Iranian government has confirmed they managed to neutralize Stuxnet, but it could be the offensive would again present. The virus is supposedly designed to sabotage nuclear power...

Lady Gaga confesses 'people are trying to destroy her

Lady Gaga has tearfully confessed on film that she thinks "people are trying to destroy her". The 25-year-old singer broke down in a documentary extract posted online last night (24.04.11) and spoke of how much she fears criticism, admitting she feels like a "loser kid in high school." In the black and white YouTube clip, posted before she went on stage in New York's Madison Square Garden for her Monster Ball tour, she sobbed: "I still sometimes feel like a loser. It's crazy, 'cos it's like we're at the Garden, but I still feel like a loser kid in high school. 'Sometimes I still feel like people are trying to destroy me... I cannot be destroyed...

The Domino State You are the Winter

London group The Domino State are the underrated alternative champions to avoid trends and instead offer a chilly yet beautifully composed offering You Are the Winter from album Uneasy Lies the Crown.Acutely euphoric yet still heavy and moody You Are the Winter combines a clean sound with graceful vocals and lyrics: “a chance to carry on no matter what the strangers say”. Meeting somewhere between White Lies and Joy Division, this is a band that Snow Patrol would die to sound like on this track.Sounding like a prayer cried out over a precise yet flowing instrumental, The Domino State have deservedly opened for Coldplay at the O2, appeared at...

Alice Cooper in holographic 4D with Jagermeister at Battersea Power Station

Jagermeister have announced a ground-breaking exclusive 'Jägermeister Ice Cold Event' taking place on Wednesday 11 May 2011 at Battersea Power Station, starring legendary rock 'n' roll royalty Alice Cooper appearing in 4D.The 'Jagermeister Ice Cold Event' is set to make history as the UK's first holographic 4D rock gig and will celebrate the release of the new Alice Cooper Box Set OLD SCHOOL: 1964-1974.Featuring original band members Alice Cooper, Dennis Dunaway, Neal Smith and Michael Bruce, plus Steve Hunter standing-in for the late Glen Buxton, the 'Jägermeister Ice Cold Event' will be the first time the group has 'appeared' together in...

10 Psychopaths Women Who Recorded In History

1. Belle Sorenson Gunness-Victim: 42Of the 10 names of women in the world tersadis, Sorens Belle Gunness, was at first warning. This woman is considered super sadist who kills his victims in order to satisfy the pleasure and greed. Belle is estimated to have killed 42 victims. Terrible, she cleared the victims because of their greed to the property. Some historians say, Belle also had killed two children in a way to poison them just to be able to claim the insurance money on behalf of her two children. The death of her children were reported as caused by the attack of colitis, but symptoms of this disorder is very similar to poisoning.And if...

Sneijder: United Is A Beautiful Club

Wesley Sneijder and Rafael van der Vaart were interviewed on AT5 Studio Ajax today. “Do I want to go to United? It’s a beautiful club,” he said. “But I’m fine in Milano and I’m not at the point to think about it.” Van der Vaart was happy to encourage Sneijder to join, despite getting in a dig about the city of Manchester. “You see all those players from Manchester United and City are coming to London,” said van der Vaart. “So that says a lot about the city, I think. But it would be fun. Wes can also enjoy stopping by in London. Man United is a better club than Inter.” Sneijder claimed that he would like to return to Holland at some point...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Quick Reactions To Victory Over Everton

1. We would have taken any three points today. To get them on the back of a good performance and well worked goal is very nice. Everton were resilient and it was becoming a worry whether we’d be able to break them down, but we kept our nerve, passed the ball around well and were patient.2. Chicharito, I love you. What a début season. Just when you think it can’t get much better for him, he pops up with a late winner like that. After blocking Nani’s on target shot with his arse in the first half, you wondered whether it was going to be his day. But his movement was great all game, always on the shoulder of the last man and had a good couple of...

Blunder on Facebook

London - revealing personal secrets from his own carelessness is often the case, such as this one case. Having previously sealed his case in court, he even made ​​a blunder on Facebook.This case happened 16 years of British teenager who idly clog drains in the toilets of a public library. Using toilet paper, these teens make bad drains and end up broken.Vandalism was done by nightfall, so the water continued to trickle through the night and wasted it. Noted, this ignorant action causing losses of more than U.S. $ 200 thousand.As a result, the action of hoodlums who this unnamed smell also and the case brought to court. But during trial, as quoted...

There Komodo Similar Got Finger Man In Central Java

BLORA-Sitimulyo Villagers, District Cepu, Blora, Central Java, a sudden uproar after one of its citizens find legged lizards are similar to the human wrist.Rare and unusual incident was immediately spread from mouth to mouth until out Blora. Residents continued to arrive to see and capture this strange lizards up close.At first glance there are no irregularities in the lizard's body found in Sudarno (39), resident RT 05/10, Sitimulyo, Cepu, this. However, if observed, the legged lizard-like human wrists. The size is small like a baby's hand.Sudarno pleaded not accidentally receive the male iguana from a friend who used to hunt in the Forest Klagen,...

"Wow! There Condoms For Weak lust"

After attending the beer Viagra, herb plants erections for impotent men now present again in other forms that are equally unique. Impotence drug that will be used to coat a special condom that can arouse penis lackluster. Special Condoms will be made ​​and marketed by the largest companies in the world of Durex. Process antiimpotensi permission to bring drugs in condoms is now managed and is expected late this year can be sold freely in the market.Compared Viagra (Sildenafil) to be redeemed by prescription, condoms are more practical. Men who do not want to get caught impotent does not need to come to the doctor tersebih advance to obtain the...

Friday, April 22, 2011

Membaca Binary

Buat para Penggemar IT nih gw coba jelasin gimana cara membaca binary trus ngerubah binary jadi ASCII, ini gw ambil dari forum, jadi kalo ada kesalahan ya mohon diampuni..1. Pengenalan2. Sistem biner3. membaca biner ke dalam ASCII.[@more@]1. PengenalanKetika kita melihat sistem biner maka yang kita temukan hanyalah sekumpulan digit yang hanya tersusun dari angka 0 dan 1 dan tampak acak sehingga sangat sulit bagi kita untuk bisa memahami apa sebenarnya yang direprsentasikan oleh digit-digit tersebut, seperti:010010101010101001101011Tetapi pada dasarnya sekumpulun 0 dan 1 ini bisa direpresentasikan dengan angka desimal dan pertama-tama tentu kita...

Desktop Drapes - Wallpaper Manager

Desktop Drapes adalah Wallpaper Manager untuk Desktop Gnome. Dengan aplikasi ini, kita dapat merubah wallpaper kita secara otomatis setiap interval waktu tertentu (sesuai settingan kita) misalnya ganti wallpaper setiap 5 menit.Untuk menginstall Desktop Drapes buka terminal dan ketik:sudo apt-get install drapesSetelah ter-install buka Desktop Drapes. System-Preferences-Desktop Drapes. Seandainya tidak "keluar" aplikasinya, bisa dilihat di Gnome panel atas (berupa icon). Untuk mengatur Drapes, cukup klik kanan icon dan pilih preferences.sou...

Dasar Dasar Internet

kali ini saya bikin informasi buat yang lom tau, jadi kalo bagi teman teman yang udah tau, mohon di koreksi kalo ada yang salahMungkin semua yang berkunjung ke sini tau dan sering menggunakan internet, tapi ga semua tau apa dasar dari internet tersebut. Kali ini saya ga bikin postingan mengenai sejarah awal dari kelahiran internet, tapi mencoba menerangkan sedikit dasar dasar yang perlu kita ketahui mengenai internet itu sendiri, khususnya bagi temen temen yang pengen mendalami blog.yok kita mulai….a. Blogmenurut yang saya dapat dari wikipedia, blog berasal dari kata “web log” yang artinya adalah bentuk aplikasi web yang menyerupai tulisan-tulisan...

What Do Portsmouth Fans Think Of De Laet?

Ritchie de Laet joined Portsmouth on loan in January, after already playing for Preston and Sheffield United on loan this season.This week he has claimed that he’s really happy with the progress he’s made over the last few months on the south coast.“This must be my best-ever season because I am playing that many games,” he said. “I’ve been playing here for 18 games in a row now and I’m enjoying it. I need the experience to get into that first-team squad of Manchester United, that is my plan. Portsmouth is giving that to me. I have a lot of big players around me that help me day in, day out in training sessions and in games and that has really...

United Top Forbes List Again

1. United – £1.12 billion2. Real Madrid – £900 million3. Arsenal – £700 million4. Bayern Munich5. Barcelona6. AC Milan7. Chelsea – £400 million8. Juventus9. Liverpool – £332 million10. Inter MilanIt is the seventh consecutive year that United have topped the Forbes list as the most valuable football club.1. David Beckham – £24 million2. Cristiano Ronaldo – £23 million3. Lionel Messi – £19 mill...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Harry Redknapp: Jose Mourinho Will Handle Red Devils

Harry Redknapp, Tottenham coach, said he was very confident Jose Mourinho would train Manchester United in the future."Of all the managers I faced this season, only one of which is above average, that is Jose Mourinho," said Redknapp told The Sun."Some people call it Marmite coach of Real Madrid manager. That's right. You can hate and love it.Marmite is a nutritious food that much favored in England, but also much hated.According to Redknapp, he dalah people who can not but admire him. Especially, when Mourinho's Chelsea deal."I believe in the end it was he who most deserve to replace Sir Alex Ferguson at Old Trafford,"said Redknapp.Mourinho...

Nemanja Vidic, Manchester United Forever In

Defender Nemanja Vidic wants to spend his career at Manchester United. The Red Devils captain was also denied when he wanted to leave Old Trafford. Stressed that the news is simply not true.Vidic immediately skyrocketed since joining United in 2006. He was confirmed as one of Europe's best defender. No wonder when Vidic and then targeted by top European clubs. Real Madrid's so-called desire to memboyongnya. In fact, the defender was 29 had just signed a long-term contract with United.However, Vidic assert will not leave United. He wanted to stay until retirement."I wish I could spend my career here at United. I did hear speculation my departure...

Jimmy Cheese, Cheese Made Unique Shoes

Cheese is usually paired with bread as a delicious breakfast menu. However, what if the cheese is applied to shoes?Designer was a student majoring in fashion, Lisa Dillon, from Bath Spa University, London. Teenagers are successfully designed a pair of high heels which he named 'Jimmy Cheese. "In the manufacturing process, using a block of cheddar cheese Dillon who then carved in such a way as to form a heel. Then, a piece of stale cheese sandwich he used to design the shoe soles.While the front of the footwear is formed of cheddar cheese that amount more. And some more cheese melted to beautify the design.After going through a complicated process,...

Cara Mengubah Icon Harddisk dan Flashdisk

Disini saya akan memberikan cara bagaimana mengubah icon harddisk dan flashdisk anda tanpa menggunakan bantuan software tambahanCaranya adalah sebagai berikut :1. - Cari gambar icon yang ingin anda gunakan dan taruh di root drive c:\ ( Jika anda ingin merubah icon di drive c: )- Cari gambar icon yang ingin anda gunakan dan taruh di root flashdisk kamu (Jika anda ingin merubah icon di flashdisk)2. Setelah itu buka notepad dan ketikkan kode di bawah ini[autorun]OPEN=ICON=namaicon.ico3. Ganti nama “namaicon.ico” dengan nama icon yang sudah kamu siapkan.4. Lalu simpan dengan nama Autorun.inf ( di Save as type pilih All Files )- Root drive c:\ ( Jika...

Dasar Dasar TCP/IP ( IP Address )

Dasar Dasar TCP/IP ( IP Address )Dalam konsep komunikasi data suatu jaringan komputer, ada mekanisme pengiriman data dari komputer sumber ke komputer tujuan dimana proses pengiriman paket data tersebut sampai dengan benar ke komputer yang dituju. Tentunya dalam proses pengiriman yang terjadi tidak semudah yang dipikirkan. Alasan pertama, komputer tujuan berada jauh dari komputer sumber sehingga paket data yang dikirimkan bisa saja hilang atau rusak di tengah jalan. Alasan lainnya, mungkin komputer tujuan sedang menunggu/mengirimkan paket data dari/ke komputer yang lain. Tentunya paket data yang akan dikirimkan diharapkan sampai dengan tepat tanpa...

NAT (Network Address Translation)

NAT adalah pengalihan suatu alamat IP ke alamat yang lain. Dan apabila suatu paket dialihkan dengan NAT pada suatu link, maka pada saat ada paket kembali dari tujuan maka link ini akan mengingat darimana asal dari paket itu, sehingga komunikasi akan berjalan seperti biasa.Kenapa orang-orang menggunakan NAT ?1. Koneksi Modem ke Internet.Kebanyakan ISP akan memberikan satu alamat IP pada saat anda melakukan dial up ke internet. Anda dapat mengirim paket ke alamat mana saja yang anda inginkan tetapi balasannya hanya akan diterima oleh satu alamat IP yang anda miliki.Apabila anda ingin menggunakan banyak komputer seperti jaringan dalam rumah anda...

Membuat Gateway Internet di Linux

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