Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Iran Still worries 'Ghosts' Stuxnet

Penetrated new cyber attack Iran, with a worm, dubbed as the Stars. Stars rush quite confusing because Iran is still haunted by the past Stuxnet virus hit the country. Stuxnet is still considered a threat.

"We must know that the fight against Stuxnet not mean that the threat is completely lost, because the virus has a certain life span and they may continue their activities in other ways," said Gholam Reza Jalali, director of Iran's Passive Defense Organization

The Iranian government has confirmed they managed to neutralize Stuxnet, but it could be the offensive would again present. The virus is supposedly designed to sabotage nuclear power plants in Iran.

Initially, Stuxnet thought of as an ordinary worm is quite sophisticated. But, researchers then found a worm that targets specific systems' supervisory control and data acquisition "(SCADA). SCADA systems are used to control the pipeline, nuclear power plants and other manufacturing equipment.

Jalali assess Stuxnet still a potential threat. Even though the government argued, allegedly had damaging Stuxnet Bushehr nuclear reactor in Iran, because until recently had difficulty operating.

Iran accused the United States Stuxnet deliberately orchestrated and Israel, although there is no strong evidence regarding these allegations. And now, a new worm named Stars again hit Iran.

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